Our open mornings for Admissions in September 2025 are now available. Call or email the office to book your visit.

Contact Us

Contact us

pupils smiling in arts class at st botolphs primary school

Our School

Address: St. Botolph's C of E Primary School, Dover Road, Northfleet, Gravesend, DA11 9LS

Phone: 01474 365 737

Email: office@st-botolphs.kent.sch.uk

School Opening Hours: Monday-Friday: 08:30 - 15:05 Weekends: Closed

Headteacher: Amy Chitty


Office Administrator: Kim Burton


Part of Aletheia Academies Trust

This is a charitable, limited company registered in England and Wales.

Company Number: 07801612

Website: aletheiatrust.org.uk

Registered Address: Saint George’s C of E School, Meadow Road, Gravesend, DA11 7HP

Child Concerns

​If you have any concerns about a child in our school please contact us. A DSL or Deputy DSL will always be on call during school opening hours – should a parent, carer or other adult need to get in touch to raise a concern.

Our Safeguarding page can be found here.